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Image by Ian Schneider

Viaja para encontrarte a ti mismo

¿No te encantaría saltar de la cama todos los días lleno de emoción y entusiasmo?


Quizás ha estado buscando su propósito durante años y no puede resolverlo, o simplemente se ha conformado con una vida mundana por necesidad o sin conocer un camino mejor.


Tal vez sienta que tiene demasiadas responsabilidades para cambiar de rumbo o que no merece nada más grande debido a las creencias limitantes o al miedo a lo desconocido.

Image by Austin Chan

Encontrar y seguir su pasión y propósito puede ser un viaje atemorizante y emocionante. Tener una guía que lo apoye puede ser un cambio de juego completo para superar el miedo que seguramente surgirá.


Para descubrir tu pasión tienes que expandir tu forma de pensar, reconocer lo que quieres cambiar en tu vida y tener la motivación y el coraje para actuar.  


Su proceso de pensamiento actual podría haber limitado sus opciones en un esfuerzo por mantenerlo seguro y brindarle un cierto nivel de comodidad y seguridad. ¡La verdad es que el cielo es el límite! Desafortunadamente, esta comodidad habitual con una vida mundana puede impedirnos tomar el riesgo que realmente nos ayudaría a vivir una vida de propósito y alegría.

Image by Arnaud Mariat

"Elija un trabajo que le guste y nunca tendrá que trabajar un día de su vida". Confucio

Si desea descubrir su verdadero propósito en la vida, primero debe deshacerse de su mente de todas las expectativas de los padres y de la sociedad que se le han impuesto desde la niñez y conectarse con su verdadero yo.


Nuestro programa de retiro “Viaja para encontrarte a ti mismo” en El Salvador está diseñado para ayudarte a aprovechar tu verdadero propósito. Salga de su zona de confort con un viaje a un nuevo país. Deja atrás las costumbres y expectativas de tu círculo social y familiar. Descubra una nueva cultura de gente amable y caras sonrientes. Realice excursiones con un guía local para ver la belleza de América Central y pruebe la comida increíble. Experimente el coaching de la vida diaria con un experto extremadamente comprensivo y compasivo que lo ayudará a aclarar sus creencias limitantes y sintonizar sus verdaderos deseos.  


Este es verdaderamente un programa de retiro que cambia la vida. ¡Te irás con recuerdos que durarán toda la vida, nuevos amigos que se sienten como en familia y la claridad para seguir adelante con tu vida haciendo algo que realmente te emocione!

""Hilery has been a blessing for me. She has been helping me with creating my wellness business by offering countless valuable content and breakthrough coaching sessions. She helped me figure out where I was stuck, how to set goals, and what to prioritize, moving forward. Creating a business from nothing is quite overwhelming and challenging, especially as a mom of 3 little kids, trying to work from home. She created a wonderful coaching app that I have been exploring for the past couple of weeks, and it is such a helpful tool that has everything to get you started. Ever since I met Hilery she has been my rock in the midst of a storm and I couldn’t imagine what to do without her by my side. Thank you Hilery for being such an inspiration to me and thank you for being the authentic beautiful soul you are. I am so grateful for you."

Sandra L

Hilery has immense knowledge of not only what is required to create and establish the technical side of your coaching business, but she also has incredible insight into coaching. She has greatly supported me in my new adventure as a life purpose and spirituality coach and I wouldn't be where I am today without her help. I am excited to continue working with Hilery and I can't wait to grow my business even more.

Leesa P

"Hilery offered endless insight into building my website and advertising through social media for my therapy biz. She never made me feel inferior or undereducated around a field in which I totally am! I cannot recommend her services enough. After working with her for a brief time, I felt so much more skilled in continuing to hone my skills and serve as my own marketing department- something I’d never be confident to say without her leadership/teachings. Thank you endlessly for your abundant support!"

Veronica I

"Hilery has been a go-to mentor since I started my career in the fitness industry. Beyond her somewhat overwhelming amount of experience in fitness, nutrition, and wellness, Hilery truly practices what she preaches and it shows. She has built several successful businesses related to health and fitness in the time that I’ve known her. I’ve been lucky enough to have her as a friend all of these years and the council and advice she’s given me has helped me re-direct my questionable business choices. Hilery has helped me unearth my personal values and move my business in the direction that nurtured my well being and growth potential. I am grateful to know this positive and radiant human, my friend and advisor, Hilery. If you are lucky enough to work with her the Universe has straight up blessed you!

Brystle N

Lo que nos hace especiales

How do I sign up?

Our retreats can be done as a solo trip or you can join one of our group retreats. At this moment, we don't have any dharma retreats scheduled but you are welcome to come alone or take part in this mentorship program online. If you would prefer a group setting, please let us know the dates that are ideal for you and we will try our best to get a group together.

If you would like to work with me privately online, let's schedule a session to go over your goals and make sure we are the right fit to work together.

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